We have a message of faith to proclaim to those around us who are without Jesus as their Savior. That message is clear & in need of you and I to continue to proclaim: "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. With the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation" (Romans 10:9&10). It is that simple. People can come to salvation in Jesus by confessing that "Jesus is Lord". They do not have to have all the answers, they don't need to try to clean-up their lives before coming to Jesus, nor do they need to go through any other ritual in order to experience salvation in Jesus.
Proclaiming the message of faith in the Romanian Gypsy village of Prajoaia!!! |
According to the verses above, it is through a person's belief in Jesus that righteousness takes place. Jesus will change them. Jesus will clean-up their lives as the Holy Spirit carries on the work of sanctification in their lives. When a person confesses "Jesus is Lord," the result is salvation.
Does this simple message of faith work for every person? Oh, how I love the answer given in Romans 10:13. In that simple verse we read: "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Did you see the answer? Everyone. Everyone is anyone. Anyone is that neighbor that has been refusing Jesus for years. Anyone is that new person in the community that seems to be very different. Anyone is . . .
The question before you and I today is: Are we proclaiming this message of faith?
Praying today for:
(1) LOPBC VBS Worship Rallies
(2) Lake O’ the Pines community of Mims / Avinger Cutt-off
(3) State of Arkansas
(4) Nation of Laos
(5) American Peoples throughout the World