Sunday, July 22, 2012

Go the Distance

It was a wonderful privilege to attend Children's Camp this Summer. The title for this entry was also the theme of that wonderful few days together. Consider the following verse from Hebrews 12:1 = "Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us." We were all encouraged and challenged to start the race, run the race, and finish the race. Christian living is more like a marathon than a sprint. We must continue as the next verse states: "Keeping your eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith".

Keeping our eyes on Jesus and running the race of faith with endurance will lead us to more time spent in prayer and in the wonderful Word of God. It will also lead us to connect with other believers who are also keeping their eyes of Jesus and running the race of faith with endurance. Go the distance - that is God's will for every believer.

Praying today for:
(1) Lake O' the Pines community of Jefferson
(2) State of Wisconsin
(3) Nation of Zimbabwe
(4) South Asian Peoples throughout the World

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

His Mission & Our Mission

Jesus was perfectly clear in Matthew 18:11 concerning His mission while on this earth. He said, "For the Son of Man has come to save the lost." Clear and to the point. He looked to the cross knowing that it was His death on that cross that would bring salvation to all who would call upon His name. Thank You Jesus for fulfilling Your mission. Thank You for the salvation that You and You alone offer.

Now it is our turn to share that salvation with those who have never trusted in Jesus for salvation. Sometimes we share with those who have heard before but simply need another opportunity to hear. While at other times we are sharing with those who have never heard. Bottom-line: we share! We share and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work of conviction that results in Salvation. Share! Fulfill your mission.

Praying today for:
(1) Lake O' the Pines Community of Big Oaks
(2) State of New Jersey
(3) Nation of San Marino
(4) Central Asian Peoples throughout the World

Monday, July 9, 2012

Words to Hear from the Father

Jesus spent many hours helping His disciples to see the Father. He continued to point to the work of the Father. He continued to live a perfect example of the Father's love, compassion, & mercy. Yet, every once in a while, the Father spoke from heaven to confirm the ministry of Jesus. Today consider one such example from Matthew 17:5; where God states: "This is My beloved Son. I take delight in Him. Listen to Him!"

Listen to Him! He is the only voice that we need to direct our lives. He is God's One and Only Son. And if God takes delight in Him, oh that we should also take delight in Him as well.

Praying today for:
(1) Lake O' the Pines community of Jefferson
(2) State of Massachusetts
(3) Nation of The Republic of Congo
(4) Southeast Asian Peoples throughout the World

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Today, Worship the Messiah

Many Christian believers will gather together for Bible Study, Fellowship, and Worship today. Oh that God's Word would impact our life's in knowledge & application. Pray for God's Holy Spirit to bring to light all truth. Walk in that truth.

Pray also for our brothers and sisters around the world who meet, even though their very meeting together places their lives on the line. Remembering always those dear saints of God who are unable to physically meet together with other believers or those who have to work.

Today I am personally thankful for this truth: "So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:19&20).

Pray today for:
(1) Lake O' the Pines community of Eagle Landing
(2) State of New Mexico
(3) Nation of Saudi Arabia
(4) European Peoples throughout the World