Friday, January 13, 2012

Drawn to Jesus

People were drawn to Jesus during His earthly ministry. Yes, He healed people. Yes, He did things that people had not seen in Israel before. People were simply drawn to Him. In Matthew 9 there are several examples of people coming to Jesus. A military leader came concerning his very sick daughter. In fact, when Jesus arrived at the house everybody was grieving because the child was dead. But Jesus declared that she was not dead, He went to where she was "took her by the hand, and the girl got up" (Matthew 9:26).

This example of healing was actually interrupted by another healing. A woman, who had a bleeding problem came up to Jesus for healing. She found Jesus to be exactly the Healer she believed Him to be.

Two blind men shouted to Jesus as He traveled, "Have mercy on us, Son of David" (Matthew 9:27). Jesus healed them and then instructed them not to tell others. What? Why would Jesus tell these men not to tell others? This seems puzzling to us but remember that Jesus was not trying to gain a popularity following but followers that were willing to sacrifice all to be His disciples.

That brings us to a very important question. Why do we follow Jesus? Are we simply impressed by what Jesus had done? Are we drawn to Jesus for what He has and can do for us? Are we truly drawn to Jesus to surrender all to live in total abandonment to be His disciples?

Today praying for:
(1) Lake O' the Pines: Jefferson
(2) State: Connecticut
(3) Nation: Gabon
(4) Continent: Australia

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