As followers of Jesus, we would love to answer that question with an absolute "YES"! That is our desire. We never want to deny Him. But do we?
One of the most specific examples found in Scripture is actually recorded for us in all four gospel accounts. An author I was reading lately said if something is found in all four gospels it must be really important. This is one of those very important lessons for followers of Jesus. Peter was perhaps one of the most determined disciples of Jesus to follow Him. This was his declaration earlier, "Even if everyone runs away, I will certainly not!" (Mark 14:29). However, once Jesus was arrested things changed in a hurry.
Peter was true to his words about not running away immediately like his fellow disciples. After all, Peter was discovered in the courtyard of the very place where Jesus was being questioned. It was in this courtyard that Peter was put to the test. Three different times someone questions him about knowing Jesus, about following Jesus. All three times Peter "denies" it. In fact, in response to the third questioning Peter stated, "I don't know this man you're talking about!" (Mark 14:71).
Oh, we sometimes are very quick to say that we would have been different. We must be honest to say that we never know what will happen until we are in that situation. But denying Jesus doesn't have to be in such extreme situations. Denying Jesus happens anytime we change our behavior depending on "who" we happen to be with. Denying Jesus happens anytime we listen to that joke that is distasteful. Denying Jesus happens anytime He is the first love of our lives.
Will Followers Deny Jesus? Unfortunately, yes. It is through Jesus' forgiveness, grace, mercy, and love that Jesus restores His followers to continue in following Him. More about that restoration another day.
Today we Pray for:
(1) The Lake O' the Pines Community of Ally Creek
(2) The State of Kansas
(3) The Nation of Iran
(4) The North African & Middle Eastern Peoples throughout the World
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