That is a tricky question. The Bible clearly teaches that people are sinners. Sin separates people from God. According to Romans 3:23 we all have sinned and thus fall short of God's glory. Then according to Romans 6:23 the results of that sin is death - eternal separation from God. Jesus, however, died even while we were sinners, stuck in our sin, without any hope; his death brought about the forgiveness of sin for all who come to Him for salvation.
Can people be separated from God. A lot of people would love to quote Romans 8:38&39 to answer that question. Some people misread it to say that no one will be separated from God but note there is clarification in these verses. "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!"
Did you read the statement that clarifies the one who cannot be separated? It was in the last phrase, "in Christ Jesus our Lord!" See, the one who has confessed his sin and found forgiveness in Jesus and has committed his life to following Jesus and is in Jesus is the one who cannot be separated from the love of God. It is the Christian who walks with confidence in this promise of God. Believers in Jesus for salvation have eternal life that is secure.
Can you be separated from God? Not if you personally know Jesus as your Savior and Lord.
Praying today for:
(1) Lake O’ the Pines community of Johnson Creek / Campers
(2) State of Montana
(3) Nation of China, Tajikistan
(4) European Peoples throughout the World
(5) Romanian town of Onesti
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