Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Gift is Free

Christmas and birthdays have one thing in common for many children - the receiving of gifts. And although parents will tell their children that their gifts are determined by their behavior, well lets be honest, we still give our children gifts. We love to surprise them with something that they really want to have. 

According to the Bible, we have also received from the Heavenly Father a gift that we did not deserve. Romans 6:23 declares that "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Notice that we deserve death. Death is an interesting word in this verse. Sin does bring about physical death. Yet, there is more to death here than just dying physically. This word  points to the reality of spiritual death. Because of sinful living, which I will remind you that we are all guilty in God's eyes of, we deserve eternal separation from God - that is spiritual death. However, notice also that God stepped in and provided the greatest gift ever. 

God's gift of eternal life is found only in Jesus Christ. This gift is salvation to all who will surrender their lives to Him. Like all other gifts, it is only mine when I fully embrace it. I can admire it from a distance. I can think that it is an awesome gift that God has given but until I truly embrace the gift, I will never understand the greatness of it.

Have you fully embraced God's free gift of salvation? You cannot earn it, He has already provided it. It is yours for the taking. This gift has also been provided for those around us that have yet to embrace it as well. Will you help someone today understand that they need to embrace the gift of God  - eternal life / salvation found in Jesus Christ our Lord?

Praying today for:

Lake O’ the Pines: Big Cypress
State: Michigan 
Nation: China, Hong Kong
People Group: Southeast Asian Peoples throughout the World
Romanian town of Pascani


  1. Interestingly, there are advertisers who want us to believe that we must purchase something in order to get the "free gift." And this attitude leaks over into our understanding of salvation--we think we have to do something to get the gift. (Christmas has turned into the same thing--you'll get a gift if you're good.)

    Isn't it wonderful that Salvation is full and free?

    Thanks for the word, Shawn.

  2. That is exactly why we cannot allow "worldly" wisdom define Biblical truth. We both know that our "good works" are nothing but filthy rags in God's presence. How wonderful it is to know that we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus that washes away all sin. And as you put it full and free.

    Blessings to you brother.

    BTW - Where are you these days?

    1. Still in Mulberry Grove, IL (near St. Louis). We'll celebrate our 6th year here in another week or so. I'm on my way to Kenya in June via Houston, so I'll get to see the folks. Keep up the good work, my brother.
