Thursday, February 9, 2012

How desirable is God's Word?

Psalm 19:7&8
The instruction of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is trustworthy, making the inexperienced wise. The precepts of the LORD are right, making the heart glad; the commandment of the LORD is radiant, making the eyes light up.

Wow!!! When we need reviving, we simply need to come to God's Word. The next time we need wisdom in decisions that need to be made, we need to come to God's Word. And when our heart is sad, God's Word will make it glad. The next time we find our eyes tired and drooping, God's Word will make our eyes light up.

That sounds wonderful doesn't it. How wonderful it would be to simply pick up God's Word and all these things just described would happen. They can happen. God's Word says that they will happen. So, why don't we always experience it? The simply answer to that question is "sin". Any time there is sin in our lives, our minds and hearts are not as sensitive to God's Word as they should be. The other possibility is that although we are reading God's Word, we are simply not engaged in really listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Today may we truly desire God's Word, to truly listen for God's Spirit to speak to us.

Praying today for:
(1) Lake O' the Pines = Mims / Avinger Cutt-off
(2) State: New Mexico
(3) People Group = Central Asian Peoples
(4) Nation = Honduras

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